
Google scribe!

Now I am trying to writing the benefits of 'Google Scribe'  by using it : ) I am really happy because I am not spending so much energy. It directly makes me write. I think this tool is very useful in that sometimes we may not remember a word and we stop writing.  However; it shows us a word list while we are stuck and then we can go on writing. This tool makes me remember my mother when I was in elementary school.  She was trying to help me when I couldn't do a maths question and I then had to go on with my homework because I had no reason to stop :(((( :)
So this tool is very good for language learners because students will not give up writing when they have trouble with words. It will make them get used to collocations, phrases, adjectives, adverbs etc. as time passes. They will become good writers and they will write without hesitation which is the first problem of writing.
As teachers we may give students short writing assignments from the first moment of their learning. Of course these should be very short and their topic should be selected in a way that will make them excited to write about.The goal is to encourage them to use Google Scribe. I think it works .


Meral said...
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Meral said...

The tool is definetely time and energy saving.I also totally agre with you about tool's other benefits.